Don’t Listen Unless You Want Better Patients

Coming this month, we’re excited to launch our new aesthetic industry podcast called Patient Obsessed. 

I obsessed about the name of this podcast for over a year and I finally gave up because I couldn’t describe how I think about my work any other way than, well, obsessed…

Obsessed: Preoccupied with or constantly worrying about something


In all the work I’ve ever done, the obsession has always been and will always be conversions. What makes people choose one doctor over another? How can I create content that brings patients and doctors together? Not just any patients, but the ones you want?  

In our first few episodes, here’s what we’ll explore:

Early adopters are figuring out that podcasting brings better patients through the door and saves countless administrative hours if you’re smart about how you do it. On our first episode, I’ll tell you why I believe the podcasting is the next big competitive advantage.

A very smart plastic surgeon finally built a lead management platform that is easy to use and does everything well. I stumbled on it by accident, and immediately had to tell everyone about it. Did I find a unicorn? 

Website traffic keeps going down, and it might not be all your web team’s fault.  So what do you do about it? We’ll dive into Zero Click content to better understand how Google & Meta are stealing more of your audience every day, and if it really is the end of the world. 

Are we investing too much in social media? Social media is best for staying connected to people who already know you but not so great at getting you in front of new audiences. So what now? Spend it somewhere else? We’ll help you be ahead of the next big shift in consumer mindset. 

You see patients in the real world, so why should you care about the stinkin’ metaverse? When you see how you can interact there (and how much FUN it is), you might care a little. Hold my coffee, I’m going in.

Where can I subscribe?

Hop on our email list to be notified about the launch. 

Want to be a guest on the Patient Obsessed podcast? 

If you’re doing innovative work to improve or disrupt the patient experience in a positive way, fill out this little form. We want to hear from you!

Already have your own podcast? 

The podcasting world is a helpful, generous community and whether you want to join our podcast network or do it yourself, one of the most effective ways to grow a podcast audience is through collaboration with similar audiences. If our audience(s) are a good fit for your podcast, please reach out to discuss opportunities.

Let’s talk! 

If you’ve ever thought about doing your own podcast, or just want to hear more, schedule time with us or send me a message

Join our email list

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