6 Aesthetic Practice Marketing Predictions for 2022

What should practices prioritize in the coming year and why? Max Baybak, Drew Leahy, and I got together to hash it out.

My predictions:

1 – Embracing lower-friction communication (i.e. texting, online booking, email automation) will result in serious growth, even if market conditions slow things down for others. If you’re not trying to grow much (I see you, I know you’re out there) consider that these changes will still need to be made eventually.

2 – More aesthetic practices will discover and try podcasting; those who position a podcast as the “engine” of other marketing efforts will find themselves spending less and becoming more efficient, but also having richer, more connected conversations with patients when they arrive in the office.

On the podcast, I told a story about documenting our strategy on top of a marketing funnel and the shock of discovering we were entirely missing patients in the loyalty phase, and barely helping them in consideration, so here’s the funnel and tactics map I promised as a Google Doc for download. You can make a copy and rearrange the tactics yourself to see how you’re doing.

Find Max Baybak at Influx Marketing and Drew Leahy at Patient Nectar.

At the end of 2022, we’ll return to see how our predictions held up, and make new ones for 2023.

Happy new year!

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